Habitat for Humanity Lesotho declares that the plight of the Sentsho family of 3, a 56 year old Nts'ieng Sents'o and her two orphan grandsons ,12 year old Khotsofalang and 11 year old Khotso, who live in Makatane village in Berea will come to an end when a group of 13 members from Habitat for Humanity of Lee and Hendry staff ,together with their families and friends complete building them a two roomed house whose construction commenced on Monday this week
On the 12th habitat shall handover the house to this family whose lives used to be threatened by repeated acts of violence against them by unknown assailants in a house which was situated in a woody place isolated from other households,until a neighbor saved their lives by providing them with a place to stay among several houses free of charge ,though it is a rundown mud house it has been a safe haven for this family .