The Minister of Tourism honorable Motlohi Maliehe blessed the nation of Basotho yesterday as he hailed well wishes for the new year of Sesotho upon them, pertaining to a call by Khubu and LCMA founder Mr.Tseko Mats’oele, to celebrate today as the first day of the new year ,the minister appealed to all Basotho who are living abroad to also celebrate this day, wherever they are.
According to Mr.Mats’oele yesterday was the last day of an old year, whose end would be celebrated at midnight on the mount of Qwaling Maseru,he reiterated that he founded Khubu to rescucitate a so called heathen culture by its people, which appears to be dormant,stressing that regarding Sesotho culture as pagan is the sole reason to its fading.
He elaborated that it is on this day that Basotho families in the olden days celebrated with sharing meals and exchanging gifts,pointing that Basotho year is not only a time of celebration and well wishes but introspection,new year resolutions and oneness in which Basotho used to consult witchdoctors to cast ghosts and evil spirits out of households among other rituals in order to enjoy peace and prosperity
On the other hand the director of culture department in the ministry Mrs.’Mats’osane Mopeli drummed that the mandate of her division is to watch over government policies on culture and applaud society groups that are determined to preserve national heritage and eastheticism and going abroad Lesotho