Indigenous Knowledge System plays a major role in supporting livelihoods hence members of the community in the country should ensure its use where necessary. The Improving Adaptive Capacity of Vulnerable and Food Insecure Population in Lesotho Project Consultant Mr. Thabo Nobala was presenting draft for result of study on climate change perceptions and climate information needs on local ingenious knowledge, beliefs and understanding climate and climate change on Wednesday.
The District Administration Officer Mr. Tsamaiso Tlolotlolo thanked the Project Consultant together with his team from World Food Programme for providing Heads of Departments with information concerning indigenous knowledge which he said is important for every citizen of this country.He said it should be a major concern to all as it involves important information of Basotho beliefs that helps everyone to live, saying such knowledge should be documented and preserved.
Mr. Tlolotlolo said the mentioned knowledge is important for healthy living of the nation, environment and plants hence the need for all to be capacitated.Majority of the participants have suggested that such information be known by all to ensure healthy living of all.The objectives of the study which was conducted in three districts of Quthing, Mohale's hoek and Mafeteng in November last year are to identify potential barriers to the uptake of climate services and find possible solutions and identifying areas of convergence and divergence between climate science and local indigenous knowledge.