Morakabi Tseetse
00:00 - 04:59
ON AIR NOW: Falimehang

A 35 years old man of Ha-Rampesa Pitseng Leribe was handed over to the police by the public, for allegedly raping a 28 years old diabled woman.

The Lesotho Mounted Police spokesperson Supretendent Mpiti Mopeli, says on the...

30 January 2018 | 13:28

Kenya's opposition says it will "swear in" opposition leader Raila Odinga as the alternative president today, despite the attorney general's warning that such a protest act challenging the official president will...

30 January 2018 | 12:45

Australia's government announced a strategy on Monday to create high-tech jobs, and become one of the top 10 defence-industry-exporting countries within a decade, through arms sales to liked-minded nations while also keeping those...

30 January 2018 | 12:36

The Ministry of Local Government and Chieftainship Honourable Habofanoe Lehana, will officiate the launching of the Phase II of the low income Housing Project at Linakotseng in the Thetsane constituency in Maseru on Friday this week....

30 January 2018 | 11:54

Five people have been killed and 158 wounded in a powerful suicide blast in the Afghan capital, Kabul.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for Saturday's assault, the third major attack in the past seven days...

29 January 2018 | 12:45
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